Google eBook device? May be sooner than expected. Hope so.

After the disappointing launch of the Nexus S, who by the way looks very dull, a news cached my eyes (see it here). Google buys eBook Technologies.
For whom is not aware of, eBook Technologies is the company that continues the legacy of the defunct Gemstar ebook effort. Yes it's thru, somebody still sells those good old REB devices (renamed ETI-2 ... you can see it The litle one especially is a better reading tool than most if not all of the current one. It has good battery, decent screen and fills very well the hand.
As a sideline, a book has to feel god  when you grab it. I was disusing with a friend about a new collection of books published by a newspaper (yes I know, the world is turning on it's head), and compared the feeling of those books with an older collection, published 30 years ago or so. The old ones are heavier and it's fells nicer when you grab it, hold it and turn the pages. That's the true book feeling. The ebook producers should take notice.
Anyway, coupling this devices with the recently launched Google ebook store ( it looks like there is something in the gun. I'm sorry for Apple and Kindle but if Google is doing it's homework well they will have a run for their money. The iPad is not at all an ebook reader (don't mess with me on that ... please try reading one month on it until you've lost the whaaaaa factor and get back here) and Kindle is just an improvised one (if you get out the ePaper screen, there is nothing to remember about it).

I'll be patient. Hope Google will surprise me and do a good move on that front.

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